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About hope

In an untimely long process

Journey to the future.

Seeing the auspicious days in your eyes

With breathless enthusiasm.

Dear Banu,

My pen wanted to call you again. I'm starting to read the book "Active Hope". Before, something about hope crossed my mind, I wanted to write, and after I finished reading the book, I was eager to write; with the curiosity of the opening that what I read will create in me about hope.

What goes through my heart is like a window to a hopeful future after these hard times. It seems as if it heralds a fresh and new day when the sunlight seeps in through a slightly ajar window. “Look, you have embraced this day,” a voice inside me says, “thank you for what happened and move on with curiosity.” The hopeful anticipation of the good days to come is mixed with the excitement of the unknown.

I connect with life again, it's like I'm standing on a bud again. I greet the first dew to meet the ground and the young shoot of the greening branch. I travel to the future like foam floating with a wave. I pause for a moment and think about the magical existence of the foam, perhaps its disappearance. Then I get hung up on the concept of extinction and “you know, this was supposed to be a hopeful letter, what happened?” I ask myself. Then the answer comes with a question; Didn't the foam make its way on the back of the wave? Being on the road in an untimely long process. Every step is an existence, every ending is a beginning.

Your face comes before my eyes. I see the auspicious days in your eyes, with enthusiasm mixed with breath.

Connecting with life again,

Stop to bud again.

The first dew falling to the ground,

To greet the first exile to bloom.

Like foam floating with the wave,

In an untimely long process

Journey to the future.

Seeing the auspicious days in your eyes

With breathless enthusiasm.

Meltem Altınkaya

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