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  • Writer's pictureŞarkılara Mektuplar

I want to live in a just world

If I were a white dove,

If I hit the roads,

If I meet children everywhere,

In purity, courage, generosity and creativity

If I take an example from them,

To the whole world, "It's good to live,

I want to live with my inner child!”

If I exclaim,

Hello there,

It occurred to me to start my letter by saying, "I WANT TO LIVE IN A FAIR WORLD".

So how can such a world be achieved?

How can it be made possible for everyone to do what is right impartially, to respect the right of the person who has the right, and to support that person so that he or she can have that right?

Isn't it inevitable that "doing injustice becomes a normal behavior" in the eyes of a child who has been exposed to injustice and violence from the moment he is born?

As Sheikh Sadi said, "One should not destroy the rose bush in the autumn so that it will not be deprived of its beauty in the spring".

But how many rose saplings are broken in the world, isn't it? If we think about it, from the wealthiest to the poorest, from the most cultured to the most ignorant, in all houses, first children and then individuals who are considered to be relatively weak by others are exposed to many injustices and abuses.

Moreover, this abuse can continue in the neighborhood, school, friend groups, workplaces and many other places.

Trapped souls, after a while, almost loot whoever comes across as beautiful and naive or weaker than him; It even takes away the right to life.

What about justice? Can you ask this?

“Which of the parties in such a relationship is more victimized?”

The "Suspect" side who has not been valued all his life and who thinks that the only way to be valued is to "show strength"; Babies who have just opened their eyes to the world, who are not even aware of which house they were born in, and spouses who follow a man or woman in an effort to get rid of the environment they are in, that is, the "oppressed" side?

Of course, there are laws and institutions to ensure that the injured are protected and that the perpetrators are sanctioned. However, none of these can bring back the lost/missing from both the suspect and the victim.

In that case, I think that the “preventive measures” necessary to ensure a just society should be on the agenda.

As a lawyer, I have been striving for the Fair World I desire for 32 years. But from the point I started to this moment, I unfortunately encounter an increasing amount of disrespect, injustice and even physical violence in all kinds of relationships between people. I am ashamed of my humanity even while I am listening to some true stories and reading the case files.

I am not in despair.

But for 22 years, I see the positive results of my efforts to be fair to both of my children and to support them in standing up against injustice. I try to teach them that no mistake is the end of the world, that we are not just the value others give us, that we must value and trust ourselves first.

As a result, when I saw that they and many young people like them "respect justice and rights, value human life, and strive for others", my despair began to be replaced by peace of mind.

For this reason, I believe that more children should be reached, so that human dignity will reach a FAIR WORLD.

I don't know if you would find it worthy of being a lyric, but right now, this is what came to my mind:

If I were a white dove,

If I hit the roads,

Wherever I meet children,

In purity, courage, generosity and creativity

If I take an example from them,

To the whole world, "It's good to live,

I want to live with my inner child!”

If I exclaim,

Love and respect.

Selma Mert Karaarslan, Izmir-09.09.2020

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